Simple Html Javascript Editor For Mac

  1. Online Html Javascript Editor
  2. Javascript Html Editor Plugin
Active3 years, 3 months ago

The Aloha Editor is a browser-based rich text editor framework that was created in JavaScript. Unlike most other HTML editors, Aloha can actually be embedding within a CMS, blog or other standard web development frameworks.

Hello I am looking for a good HTML + CSS +Javascript Editor Microsoft Windows platform

Thank you very much !!!!


1) I found an amazing one, which I use already for a while on windows and on MAC as well :


WebStorm is another one I like.

WebStorm I use for the bigger projects, where the SublimeText is more for the files to open, or a small projects because it is very fast

6,62917 gold badges57 silver badges95 bronze badges

closed as not constructive by Dagg Nabbit, Flexo, Paul Wicks, bmargulies, Robert HarveyMay 17 '12 at 23:16

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15 Answers

I prefer Netbeans 6.7 PHP , it includES CSS / JS / HTML and PHP Features. Codefolding, Syntax Highlighting, Code completion, CSS Preview...

But my Favourite function is code completion for JQuery + Dojo

Download : Netbeans Download

Alexander Derck
8,1334 gold badges36 silver badges66 bronze badges
13.6k22 gold badges82 silver badges132 bronze badges

I found an amazing Text editor on MAC/Widnows

I love it, every single day like it more and more.

6,62917 gold badges57 silver badges95 bronze badges

I used both Notepad++ and Aptana, sometimes Eclipse as well.For simple scripting or quick fix on some files, notepad++ is very good.For large project management I prefer Aptana, which comes with debugger for PHP and I soooo need it.

Xie Er

Try Emacs. It has a pretty steep learning curve but once you know it, it will make you extremely productive.

  • For XHTML you can use the excellent nxhtml-mode (it validates what you are writing on the fly)
  • For JavaScript, there is a great mode by Steve Yegge (js2-mode) (it has a parser for the language built-in, so it can do syntax and error (red underline) highlighting perfectly)
  • There is a pretty good built-in mode for CSS
1,0161 gold badge11 silver badges26 bronze badges

Try jEdit. It has a large plugin library and is very customisable, as well as being cross-platform.

4,2992 gold badges17 silver badges19 bronze badges

If you're looking for an online editor, jsFiddle is probably the best choice.

8,8004 gold badges36 silver badges47 bronze badges

Online Html Javascript Editor

Depending on the platform you'll be developing on.

For .net development the best tool would be Visual Studio Professional 2008+ if you have access to it. It supports code completion (intellisense) even for Javascript files. Not just the basic javascript but for your own code as well.

One piece of advice though: If you want your HTML to be as semantic and unbloated as possible DON'T use WYSIWYG editors for HTML. Haven't seen any that would work as expected.

Robert KoritnikRobert Koritnik
79.4k43 gold badges247 silver badges369 bronze badges

I love Scite. The mint version has onyl syntax highlighting but with additional syntax files it's also capable of code completion.

2,2014 gold badges24 silver badges30 bronze badges

I'm personnaly fond of notepad++ : it's a simple tabbed editor, syntax highlighting, autocompletion, can handle more than 30 laguages and has a plugin system. (and it's free).

WYSIWYG is really useless for webdevelopping, so I really don't recommend Dreweaver or whatever looks like it.

You can also try to use Eclipse Amatheus for HTML, but it's not quite complete and can be hard to install.

Clement HerremanClement Herreman
8,8743 gold badges31 silver badges56 bronze badges

NuSphere PhpEd does all of these any many more. The have recently added both CSS and JavaScript code navagation, so you can click on the class or JavaScript function and jump straight to it. Although it's expensive, I have found it be extremely fast (can display code completion within a couple milliseconds) and it has all the features I need, including FTP and SFTP.

Darryl HeinDarryl Hein
71.7k84 gold badges195 silver badges251 bronze badges

Notepad (and other variants, I'm particularly fond of Notepad2-MOD) is a great editor! Lightweight, and takes about 200 ms to load!

If you are looking for something with more functionality, try Komodo IDE (or its free alternative, Komodo Edit).

If you are looking for a WYSIWYG editor, personally, I find that WYSIWYG editors are bloated and most of the time creates a huge tag soup for anything more than your average 1999 web page. It is also way too much for JavaScript (which you will need to code manually anyway).

Andrew Moore

Javascript Html Editor Plugin

Andrew Moore
78.4k29 gold badges154 silver badges169 bronze badges

Visual Studio Express might be a bit bloated for your needs, and the WYSIWYG HTML view is useless.

However, it does include syntax highlighting and intellisense for HTML, CSS, basic Javascript actions and (with a download and some messing about) jQuery.

99.4k62 gold badges246 silver badges364 bronze badges
Free html javascript editor

I use Notepad++. Is fast, lightweight and works with many of programming languages.You can make syntax highlighting like Mac's os Textmate. Simply, download theme for Textmate from, convert to Notepad++ format here and replace stylers.xml file. Result is cool ;)


TSW WebCoder 2010

is the best editor in the world for my side with intellisense

download as a free demoalso choose on of thisfollow link

72.3k22 gold badges156 silver badges237 bronze badges

I did research and I think at the moment WebStrom 4 is the best. Best code completion + syntax highlight. Can even recognize extended classes in JavaScript and overwritten methods and so on.

72.3k22 gold badges156 silver badges237 bronze badges
7002 gold badges8 silver badges25 bronze badges

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