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Mac News Review
This Week's Apple and Desktop Mac News
Compiled by Charles Moore and edited by Dan Knight - 2008.11.07
PowerBook, iBook, MacBook, and other portable computing is coveredin The 'Book Review. iPod, iPhone,and Apple TV news is covered in The iNewsReview.
All prices are in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
News & Opinion
Apple Updates
Desktop Mac Deals
News & Opinion
Mossberg: Macs Not Cheap, but Good Values
The WallStreet Journal's Walter S. Mossberg says:
'It's time for my annual fall PC buyer's guide.
'But this autumn, we find ourselves in a serious global economicslowdown. So I will focus this edition of the guide on how folks whosePC budgets have shrunk can still get something adequate for lightuse....
'I consider the Mac operating system, Leopard, to be faster, easierand more stable than Windows XP or Windows Vista. It isn't susceptibleto the vast majority of malicious software that circulates on theInternet....
'However, Apple has consciously chosen not to offer machines in thebargain category. The cheapest Mac desktop, the minimalist Mac mini, which doesn't even includea monitor, speakers, keyboard or mouse, costs $650 for a model with ahard disk I consider adequate. The cheapest Mac laptop, the base modelof the prior-generation MacBook (which Apple hasretained in its lineup) is $999.
'Both are good values, mainly due to the software. And Macs can saveyou money over time. But if the lowest upfront cost is your objective,you can pay hundreds less for desktops and laptops from Windows PCmakers....'
Link: Shopping forBasics and Saving Money on Your Next PC
Mac mini Fans: Hang in There
'Apple appears to be taking its policing of the rumor mill to thephones, in one case dialing a customer who expressed concern overInternet reports on the Mac mini's fate to assure him the situationwould be addressed in due time.
'Having read a blog post speculating that a discontinuation of thecurrent Mac mini line overseas may be indicative of the product'sultimate demise, one advocate of the tiny desktops fired off an emailwith his concerns to Apple's newly-crowned Mac hardware engineeringchief Bob Mansfield.
'Although Mansfield didn't issue a personal reply, a colleague inApple's executive care division did almost immediately, offering notimetable for a Mac mini update but assuring that the company was wellaware of system's market value, and suggesting the customer continue toexercise patience.'
Editor's note: The Mac mini was last updated in August 2007, andApple has announced that there will be no new Macs until
Link: Apple Tells Mac mini Fan to Hang in There
Quad-core Nehalem (i7) 'Blows Everything ElseAway'
The Guardian'sJack Schofield reports:
'Intel's long-awaited Nehalem processor has hit the net with a bang,and ChannelWebsays it is 'so powerful that it simply destroys previous CPUbenchmarks. An early look at the company's new chips shows they havethe potential to drive current data center-class performance onto thedesktop. Early results show nearly historic levels of improvement overprevious generations of processors.'
'Indeed, YoYoTech, a UK-based supplier, has just announced 'thefastest, single-processor, production machine ever,' on SPECbenchmarks. Its Fi7ePower MLK1610 (sic) has an Intel Core i7 965processor and 9 GB of high-performance Corsair DDR3 memory on anAsus P6T motherboard, and looks like an 8-core system (withhyperthreading) to your standard 64-bit Vista....'
Editor's note: Nehalem is designed from the ground up as a 4-coreCPU. Each core has its own L1 cache and 256 KB L2 cache, and the entireCPU shares an 8 MB L3 cache. With hyperthreading, it can act likean 8-core CPU. The new CPU officially ships on Nov. 19 at speeds up to3.2 GHz and will very likely be in the next generation Mac Pro andXserve. dk
Link: Intel'sNew Nehalem Blows Everything Else Away
How Much Ink Is Left in That Dead Cartridge?
PC World'sJeff Bertolucci reports:
'You've probably had this experience: Your printer tells you it'stime to change the cartridge, but you dismiss the message and keepprinting. Days or weeks later, you're still using the same cartridgeand thinking to yourself that rumors of its death were greatlyexaggerated.
'Or perhaps your printer simply shuts down when it decides you'vegone deep enough into its ink well, refusing to operate until youreplace the cartridge, though you suspect there's plenty of inkleft.
'PC World decided to do some real lab testing on this issue; and theresults confirm what you may have suspected: Many manufacturer-branded(OEM) and third-party (aftermarket) vendor cartridges leave a startlingamount of ink unused when they read empty. In fact, some inkjetprinters force users to replace black ink cartridges when the cartridgeis nearly half full, PC World has found....
'Test Center results show that models from Canon, Epson, and Kodakreported ink cartridges as being empty when in some cases the tanks had40 percent of their black ink remaining....
'The quantity of unused ink ranged from about 8 percent in anEpson-brand cartridge to a whopping 45 percent in an aftermarketcartridge for a Canon printer. After posting low-ink warnings, thoseprinters wouldn't let us resume printing until we inserted a newcartridge....
'An average black-ink cartridge contains 8 milliliters of ink andcosts about $10 which translates into a cost of $1.25 per milliliter(or more horrifyingly, $1250 per liter)....
'I personally think that consumers are getting ripped off,' saysSteve Pociask, president of the American Consumer Institute, anonprofit educational and research institute in Washington, DC.'
Editor's note: We can't recommend laser printers enough. Laser toneris much less costly per page than ink and needs to be replaced far lessoften, and it doesn't dry out like ink tends to do. Black & whitelaser printers start at under $100, and some color laser printers sellfor under $300. We've been using Brother b&w lasers and a Magicolorcolor laser printer at Low End Mac headquarters for some time and stillhaven't used up the original toner cartridges. A color toner set isn'tcheap ($220 for our Magicolor), but you may be able to find a localvendor who refills toner cartridges - or try your hand at refillingyour spent toner cartridges. dk
Link: How Much Ink Is Left in That Dead Cartridge?
If Windows Is a Dead End, What's Next?
'The writing is on the wall. Despite a major push to sell themuch-maligned Windows Vista, customers aren't buying. Nearly two yearsafter Vista's release, Windows XP remains the standard desktop OS inbusiness, and Microsoft has extended its availability three times(currently to August 2009) due to customer demand. Microsoft itselfforecasts just 2 percent growth in Vista sales in early 2009, afterlackluster sales in 2008. And that's after forcing customers to buyVista to get XP 'downgrades.'
'So all eyes were on Microsoft's Professional Developer Conferencein Los Angeles last week as Microsoft finally took the wrap off Windows7, the successor to Vista due in early 2010.
'But early reaction is that Windows 7 is just a cleaned-up Vista.It's essentially the same kernel and the same OS, with a couple newtechnologies thrown in....
'If Windows 7 is more of the same, then maybe it's time to concludethat Windows is a technology dead end. Last spring, Gartner warned thatMicrosoft had to radically change Windows or watch it fade intoirrelevancy. Windows 7 is not that radical change....'
Link: IfWindows Is a Dead End, What's Next?
Separating Fact from Fiction about Blu-ray
Thomas Fitzgerald says:
'Ever since Steve Jobs launched the new Apple Laptops at a specialevent in Cupertino recently, one story has done the rounds with quite adegree of ferocity, and it has nothing to do with the Notebooks thatwere released. During the Q&A session afterwards, when asked whythere were no Blu-ray drives in the new notebooks Steve Jobs respondedby saying that currently Blu-ray was 'a bag of hurt'. This comment hasunsurprisingly been seized upon by many and twisted and contorted tomean a dozen different things. Once again, though, the dialogsurrounding this has shown that there is quite a lot of misinformationfloating around in cyberspace about Blu-ray and this gave the format'sdetractors another opportunity to jump on their collective soap boxesspread the myths about the format, most of which are simply not true.In light of this what follows is a look at some of the most commonperceptions about Blu-ray and why they're wrong....
'Blu-ray is a fantastic and rapidly growing format. The reason thatApple has chosen not to include Blu-ray in their notebooks at this timeis far more likely to do with economic reasons than anything to do withthe future viability of the platform....'
Link: Beyond the 'Bag of Hurt': Separating Fact from Fiction aboutBlu-ray
Apple Updates
Macs That Work with 64-bit Editions of MicrosoftWindows Vista
A new Apple Knowledge Basearticle says:
64-bit editions of Microsoft Windows Vista are supported on certainIntel-based Macs via Boot Camp. (Boot Camp is included with Mac OS X10.5 Leopard).
Products Affected
Boot Camp, MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2008), MicrosoftWindows Vista (64 bit editions)
These Macs support 64-bit editions of Windows Vista:
- Mac Pro (Early 2008)
- MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008)
- MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2008)
- MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008)
Link: BootCamp: Macs That Work with 64-bit Editions of Microsoft WindowsVista
OWC High Performance SuperDrive Upgrades forMacs
PR: Other World Computing (OWC) has announced a fullselection of SuperDrive DVD and CD reader/writer options for legacy tocurrent Intel-based Apple computers. Available from $29.99 for Internaland from $71.99 for FireWire + USB 2.0 external models, OWC SuperDriveupgrades feature faster read/write DVD, Dual-Layer DVD, and CD burnspeeds up to 20x for DVDs and 48x for CDs. In addition to standardsupport for DVD±R/RW, CD-R/RW, DVD-DL formats, models are alsoavailable with features including Blu-ray, LightScribe laser labeling,and DVD-RAM. OWC SuperDrive upgrades and solutions providecost-effective options for adding the latest optical drive performanceand features to virtually any system with 'Plug and Play' ease.
Optical Drive Upgrades for Almost Every Mac Introduced Over theLast Decade
Whether upgrading from a factory-installed read-only drive,replacing an older slower SuperDrive, or expanding drive configuration,OWC has internal and external SuperDrive upgrades available for nearlyevery desktop/tower and notebook Mac computer model introduced over thelast decade, including Mac Pro; PowerMac G3/G4/G5; G4 Cube; iMac G4/G5;Mac mini; eMac; PowerBook G4 Titanium 15'; PowerBook G4 12/15/17'Aluminum; and iBook G4.
'You don't need to buy a new Mac to have the latest optical drivetechnology,' said Larry O'Connor, President, Other World Computing.'It's very cost effective and easy to upgrade your existing Mac withtoday's faster optical drive solutions featuring the latest read/writetechnologies. For some Macs, just replacing the stock optical drivewith an OWC SuperDrive is all that is needed to use Apple Leopard OS10.5, in addition to enjoying all the extra capabilities of the newdrive.'
OWC SuperDrive Upgrades have been fully tested for compatibilitywith most Apple and Windows built-in and third party DVD/CD tools andplayers, including Apple iTunes, Apple Disc Burner, Apple iDVD, AppleDVD Studio Pro, EMC Retrospect Express, NTI DragonBurn, Roxio Toast,Roxio Easy Media Creator, and Nero Burning. Printed instructions andonline installation videos show how easy it is to install and use thelatest OWC SuperDrive Upgrade.
Rebates up to $45 for Old Drive
OWC offers rebates of up to $45 to users who send in an older working opticaldrive to upgrade to a new, faster optical drive purchased from OWC.
Link: OWCSuperDrive Upgrades
The Hammacher Schlemmer LP to Digital MusicConverter
PR: This is the belt-driven turntablethat converts your prized vinyl records to digital music files andsaves them on a computer, allowing you to easily store and preserveclassic out-of-print music, comedy, and spoken-word recordings forplayback on a computer or transfer to an iPod.
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The device connects to a computer via USB and, in addition toproviding high-speed vinyl audio conversion to MP3, the turntable playsLPs at 33-1/3 and 45 rpm speeds (adapter included), and its adjustableanti-skating control provides increased stereo balancing. Includes 1/8'RCA output and cable for connection to a stereo system equipped witheither a CD or AUX input. Protected by a dust cover, the systemincludes recording and cleaning software (PC/Mac) for breaking songsinto individual tracks and the removal of scratches, hisses, and pops,but will operate with any software that supports USB audio-input soundcards. 20 1/4' W x 3' H x 17' D. (8 3/4 lb.)
Available for Immediate Shipment.
Link: HammacherSchlemmer LP to Digital Music Converter
Editor's note: Some other low cost USB turntables we're aware of arethe Ion TTUSB Turntable with USB Record (currently $96.97 at,customer rated at 3.5 stars), the ION TTUSB05 USB Turntable ($95.14,4 stars), the Sony PS-LX300USB USB Stereo Turntable System ($122.43,3.5 stars), the Numark TTUSB Turntable with USB ($111.44 at,4 stars), and the top rated Audio Technica AT-LP2DUSB LP-to-DigitalRecording System with USB ($96.71 at,4.5 stars). We hope to review one of these in coming
Free Lotus Symphony 1.2 Beta for Mac
PR: At the (OO) Conference, IBM has announceda long-term commitment to the OpenDocument Format (ODF) by unveiling aroadmap for the expansion of the free Lotus Symphony office applicationsuite to Macintosh, Ubuntu Linux, OpenOffice 3.0, and Microsoft Officecustomers.
In his keynote speech, Michael Karasick, Director of IBM Lotus ChinaDevelopment Labs, outlined the evolution of Symphony, which firstappeared as a public beta on September 18, 2007. The newest version isnow available in beta for the first time for the Apple Macintoshoperating system (Mac OS X), and Symphony for Canonical's Ubuntu 8.0.4Linux is also available. These new platforms reflect growing demand forSymphony, which has already been downloaded more than three milliontimes worldwide in 28 languages.
Karasick also pointed forward to the Symphony roadmap for 2009, whenfuture generations of Symphony will be developed entirely on the ODF1.2 and OpenOffice 3.0 software code base, bringing it in line with thenewest OO technology. This advance will also enable seamlessinteroperability with Microsoft Office 2007 file formats and supportVisual Basic macros next year. IBM plans to deliver more than 60 newfeatures to Symphony in 2009, building it into a versatile tool forwork while pledging to keep it free on the Web for all. Bysynchronizing Symphony's user interface with the underlying OpenOffice3.0 code base, IBM expects the upcoming wave of planned contributionsto make a significant impact to the OpenOffice developer community andits users throughout 2009 and beyond.
Mac OS X support is among the top requests made by the members ofthe Symphony community. The IBM Symphony development team worked toensure that Symphony not only works on Mac OS X but is tuned to takeadvantage of the Aqua GUI theme, with the originality and simplicityMac customers have enjoyed. Initially available in English, Symphonyfor Mac OS X will get global language support as it progresses out ofbeta to general availability.
Another top request, support for Symphony on Ubuntu 8.0.4 Linux, hasquickly moved to general availability. Symphony 1.1 provides a Debianpackage optimized for Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron). Ubuntu is a communitydeveloped operating system for laptops, desktops and servers noted forits ease of use, array of application support and focus on beingready-to-use.
'Support for Mac and Ubuntu are good examples of IBM's long-termcommitment to critical standards like the Open Document format,' saidKarasick. 'As we rebase Symphony on OpenOffice 3.0, we are very excitedabout providing next- generation document creation and collaborationcapabilities for the millions of potential users out there. IBM alsosees the potential for the global developer community to use Symphonyextensibility in concert with that of ODF 1.2, so that documents can bemore deeply integrated into business applications and processes.'
IBM Lotus Symphony is based on OpenOffice code, with IBMenhancements that allow new capabilities through Eclipse plugins andincorporate some of the OpenOffice 3.0 code. Plugins extend the powerof the individual to accomplish more varied tasks with Symphony thanthey could otherwise accomplish with alternatives like MicrosoftOffice. For example, Internet searches launched from within a documentcould save time while drawing precise data into the right context,increasing accuracy and impact. A Symphony plugin for IBM's YahooOmnifind Personal Edition search tool can help accomplish just that.Another example is the Symphony accessibility plugin, which enables thevisually impaired to easily work with word processing, slide orspreadsheet files. The accessibility plug- in uses an audio screenreader to inform the individual of the content and status as changesare made. For a full list of currently available Symphony plugins at nocharge, visit(
The underlying use of Eclipse through Lotus Expeditor allowsdevelopers to use open tools to customize the Symphony user interfaceso individuals can change their view of, and access to, desktoputilities such as file menus and toolbars for greater personalefficiency. Symphony 1.2 also contains data pilot tables, also known aspivot tables, which lets people quickly and easily sort largespreadsheets in more meaningful ways, making the spreadsheet data farmore applicable and accessible to business activities.
All types of users can benefit from Lotus Symphony - spanning thespectrum of business, government and philanthropic organizations acrossthe globe. A valuable business tool as well as a way to reduce costs,Symphony is being used by:
- Alok Industries, a publicly traded textile and apparel fabricmanufacturer in Mumbai, India.
- The Anglican Church of Australia, based in Sydney, which is openlyphasing out Office in favor of Symphony for an estimated US$150,000 inannual savings. Client organizations that benefit from Church communityservices will also use Symphony, including schools, youth groups andaged care facilities.
- Calvary Baptist Academy, a private school located in Shreveport,LA, which is using Symphony as part of a small-medium business solutionled by Lotus Foundations and delivered by IBM business partner, AltisComputer Systems.
- DotRiver, a French computer services firm focusing onvirtualization and storage technology.
- The Hester Group, a Jacksonville, Florida-based branding andmarketing group specializing in public awareness service announcementsfor diverse demographics. Symphony is part of a small-medium businesssolution with the Lotus Foundations software appliance, delivered byIBM business partner OnSite Technology, Inc.
- Grupo Schahin, one of Brazil's largest, multi-industryconglomerates in banking, energy, aerospace, telecommunications andother sectors.
- Pearson, an international media company with world-leadingbusinesses in education, business information and consumer publishingbased in the United Kingdom and New York.
- Premier Auto Electric Ltd (PAE), a nationwide distributor ofautomotive parts in India.
- Sinochem Corporation, a Beijing, China-based, state-ownedpetrochemical company helping to align the transformation ofagriculture, energy and chemicals with the development of China'seconomy.
- Smartline, an award-winning financial services firm in New SouthWales, Australia.
- Suntel, a national telecommunications leader in Sri Lanka, whichinstalled Symphony in place of Office.
- Winsol, a Belgium-based manufacturer of PVC and aluminum doors andother housing products.
'After one day of using Lotus Symphony, some of my users asked ifthey could uninstall their Microsoft Office software,' said KatiaSanfins, CIO of Schahin Engineering, Grupo Schahin.
At least 80 percent of traditional and nontraditional office workersare considered 'task users,' who create and edit documents,spreadsheets and presentations. People in customer service and mostroles in other corporate support functions fit this use pattern. Thesecategories constitute the majority of Symphony users. Another categorythat is migrating to Symphony consists of 'medium power users' - thosewith more robust needs for documents, spreadsheets and presentations.These users - such as sales departments working with clients - requiresstronger interoperability to enable collaboration with Microsoft Officeusers.
'Lotus Symphony is an exciting offering which can save our businessreal dollars, up to $600 per seat. Standardising our platform Officeproductivity suite will allow us to streamline development bymaintaining a single codebase and reduce IT support issues,' saidGanesh Radhakrishnan, IT Manager, Smartline Mortgage Services. 'I havebeen using it to load in a huge complex spreadsheet and everythingworks perfectly.'
'Our initial evaluation and pilot of Lotus Symphony has gone verywell. We see a lot of potential in leveraging Lotus Symphony,especially in support of our Mac OS X users, and look forward toparticipating in this beta,' said Michael Colucci, VP of Architecture,Engineering and Support, Pearson.
'I have used the Symphony software and have found it to be as goodas or better than Microsoft Word,' said Kathy Rutledge, Calvary BaptistAcademy. 'After using MS Word for eighteen years, I was hesitant toeven try another word processing program. But after giving Symphony achance, I found it very user-friendly. I would recommend Symphony toanyone looking for a user-friendly software that includes wordprocessing, slide presentation, and spreadsheet capabilities.'
Lotus Symphony for Mac requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later.
Link: LotusSymphony for Mac
Eudora 8.0b4 Released
PR: Open Source email client now based on Thunderbirdclient
Eudora is a mail and news application from Qualcomm based on theopen source Thunderbird client from Mozilla.
Qualcomm is committed to both preserving the Eudora user experienceand to maintaining maximum compatibility, for both developers andusers, with Thunderbird, and to build a single development communityaround Thunderbird and Eudora, so that both mailers advance faster thanthey previously have.
Whereas 'Eudora' is a branded version of Thunderbird with some extrafeatures added by the Eudora developers, 'Penelope' is an extension(also called an 'add-on') that is used in Eudora and can also be usedwith Thunderbird. The Eudora installer includes the correspondingversion of Penelope along with it so there is no need to installPenelope if you are installing Eudora. Most features in Penelope can beaccessed when used with Thunderbird, but there are a few that requireEudora in order to work correctly and it's not something that getstested.
Sometimes in documentation there is a need to differentiate theolder versions of Eudora made by Qualcomm from currentThunderbird-based versions of Eudora. This will normally be done bylabeling the older versions of Eudora as 'original Eudora' or 'ClassicEudora'.
The latest beta release of Eudora, version 8.0.0b4 (which includesthe Penelope extension version 0.5a1) is now available fordownload.
The main web page for Eudora/Penelope can be found at <>
System requirements
- Mac:
- Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4.x and later
- Minimum Hardware: Macintosh computer with an Intel x86 or PowerPCG3, G4, or G5 processor - 128 MB RAM (Recommended: 256 MB RAM orgreater) - 200 MB hard drive space
- Windows and Linux versions also available.
Link: Eudora 8
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