iCursor is a funny and useless app for Mac OS X, it attaches to your cursor pointer a lot of particles. There are many customizable effects and you can also create and share new effects with other users.
In this Article: Mac OS 10.8 and later Mac OS 10.4 through 10.7 Community Q&A Mac OS X has a variety of accessibility features to help out its users. One of these is the ability to increase the size of the cursor so it's easier to see where it is. Thank you, finally took me ages for me to find Mac OS X Cursors that actually work. TheRealSh4d0wm4n Featured By Owner Aug 17, 2016. You checked in the cursor editor??? Control point - correct. Tunabolism Featured By Owner Feb 21, 2016. Looks nice, thanks.
A little spell to transform your cursor into a magic wand followed by a trail of stars or fiery fireballs or littlee pulsating hearts. And if you are in a lighter mood, you can choose soap bubbles,small and large, colored or vanishing, and follow them until they pop. And while you are remembering, you can fill your screen with a thousand colored confetti and see them fly away with the wind or slowly fall to the ground. And after color, there is black and white: have fun spraying ink spots here and there and then let the snow fall...
To transform the screen of your mac in a fantasy space, to free your ideas and let yourself drift...toward the next inspiration!
Mac Os Cursor Pack
Note: iCursor is a 'tray' app: if you want to close and/or delete the app locate the iCursor icon (a little arrow in the Menu Bar near the Clock), click on it and select QUIT, then eventually delete the App.