Coda Editor For Mac

Coda (text editor) Microsoft Windows. What are good Coda 2 alternatives for Windows? Update Cancel. Ad by ManageEngine ADSolutions. GDPR violation penalties are expensive. EventLog Analyzer isn't. Are there any good, free Python 2.7 IDEs for Windows or Mac? Ask New Question. Brian Jackson, WordPress Expert, Webperf Obsessed, Blogger.

  1. Coda Code Editor
  2. Coda Editor For Mac
  3. Coda Web Editor For Mac
Active7 years, 7 months ago

Can any one recommend a good all-in-one web development tool for Windows.

  • Download coda 2 mac for free. Developer Tools downloads - Coda 2 by Panic, Inc. And many more programs are available for instant and free download. Coda is a powerful Web editor that puts everything in one place. Coda is a powerful.. With Coda 2, we went.
  • Coda is much more than an does Subversion, has an excellent built-in CSS editor, and allows really elegant local development and publish-to-host workflow. Even NetBeans is only local or remote, but can't deal with both in one project.

Something on par with Coda, which is only available for Mac OS X?

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closed as not constructive by deceze, Robert HarveyJan 16 '12 at 2:29

Coda Editor For Mac

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Coda Editor For Mac

10 Answers

I have not used Coda by myself, but believe that whatever it has, you can find in Sublime Text 2 as well, check it out. For remote files access, you can use an utility like ExpanDrive that mounts remote drive as local disk.

Lucas RandazzoLucas Randazzo

I Tried NotePad++And it is in fact very cool, However,it crashes from time to time and it can delete your work! :O, sadly i haven't found anything like CODA for the PCso i'm staying with the mac


i think you can use notepad++ with ftp_synchronize plug-in so you can remotely edit files on server ;)

3,5689 gold badges30 silver badges35 bronze badges

As far as I can tell, nothing gets close to Coda on mac. It's pretty sad.

2,2571 gold badge20 silver badges27 bronze badges

I love Coda and use it professionally every day. However, I'm going to check out Aptana Studio and Komodo IDE on the PC---they both look like they could be very good.

Note that Coda is not free (download, $99), so the answer presumably shouldn't be limited to free PC software in order to compare apples to apples (pun intended).


2,91212 gold badges42 silver badges63 bronze badges

I've looked and NetBeans 7.x is about as close as I've found. Coda is much more than an does Subversion, has an excellent built-in CSS editor, and allows really elegant local development and publish-to-host workflow. Even NetBeans is only local or remote, but can't deal with both in one project. However, NetBeans' MySQL integration is very handy.


Isn't Coda just a text editor? For Windows there is notepad++.


Coda Code Editor

12.5k29 gold badges89 silver badges153 bronze badges

I use KomodoEdit and it does not even compare to Coda. Coding on a Mac is a lot different as you can have a built in terminal. A windows equivalent would have to have a plugin for putty or something similar.

Coda Editor For Mac

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Coda Web Editor For Mac

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