J Editor For Mac

While Lion didn't wow the crowd with most of its features, it brought some amazing additions to Apple's PDF viewer/editor that puts it over the top and makes it our choice for the best. Movavi Video Editor for Mac is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to create their own video sequences but doesn’t know where to begin. Add your videos and/or images to the program and create spectacular footage that everyone will enjoy.

  1. Pdf Editor For Mac

IntelliJ IDEA, as a keyboard-centric IDE, suggests keyboard shortcuts for most of its actions. In this topic, you can find a short list of the most indispensable of them, to make your first steps with IntelliJ IDEA easy.

IntelliJ IDEA also provides the default keymap reference in the pdf format. To view the keymap reference, choose Help | Keymap Reference from the main menu.

See the detailed list of default keyboard shortcuts in the Keyboard Shortcuts Reference and learn how to customize your preferred keymap in the Configuring Keyboard Shortcuts section.

Show the list of available intention actions .Alt+Enter
Switch between views (Project,Structure, etc.).Alt+F1
Switch between the tool windows and files opened in the editor. Ctrl+Tab
Show the Navigation bar.Alt+Home
Insert a live template.Ctrl+J
Surround with a live template.Ctrl+Alt+J
Edit an item from the Project or another tree view.F4
Comment or uncomment a line or fragment of code with the line or block comment.Ctrl+Slash
Find class or file by name.Ctrl+N
Duplicate the current line or selection.Ctrl+D
Incremental expression selection.Ctrl+W and Ctrl+Shift+W
Find/replace text string in the current file.Ctrl+F
Double-press Shift
Quick view the usages of the selected symbol.Ctrl+Shift+F7
Expand or collapse a code fragment in the editor.Ctrl+NumPad Plus
Ctrl+NumPad -
Invoke code completion.Ctrl+Space
Smart statement completion.Ctrl+Shift+Enter
Show the list of available refactorings (Refactor This).Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T

The complete keymap reference is available from the main menu (Help | Keymap Reference).

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Pdf Editor For Mac

Last modified: 21 March 2017