While this is an interesting site, it is not software in the sense of something that you download and run locally. Not sure how they felt it was a competitor to Dreamweaver since you can't view code and design at the same time. You also can't work with local files, and you can't save what you create locally.
Here is the link for you to vb.net comment convertir un fichier openoffice en pdf. Hope this gives you a start on rasteredge page rasteredge
Overall impression is that this behaves more like desktop publishing than webdesign, in that the layout assumes printing-press style fixed page dimensions. I guess if that is what you want, OK, but it is not the intended role of HTML5. Also has a few serious issues like local links being auto-prefixed with 'h t t p ://' -which means they will not work.
Cannot open or save files locally, only to ftp or dropbox if you allow the site access to your credentials. Great. Not. Terrible.
Can only edit files located on Dropbox. Cannot open local files!
HTML editor is actually a software application for crafting web pages. HTML editors serve with related languages such as CSS, JavaScript, XML, or ECMAScript. Top 7 HTML5 Editors for Web Development. Submitted by kristin on Thu, 04/30. And Mac OS X. It can also help in crafting and editing all the kinds of HTML5 as well as HTML5 documents.